It has special components that specifical y aim at the targeted areas in order to stimulate the skin to produce collagen and elasticity
When they raised their weapons again and took aim at the child, Duncan quickly reacted and the Gatonen were no more
He was taking careful aim at
and nozzles, while others unlimbered firearms and took aim at the
her a look of disgust—one that a parent would normally aim at her misbehaved
What will be your choice? Will you aim at a notch above your current position or will you prefer a static base?
She hoped he’d retreat before she was forced to aim at his head
But she couldn’t bring herself to aim at the townsmen’s bodies, so she sent her stones whizzing over their heads
With her flimsy hand, she started raising her revolver again to aim at him
the anti-aircraft crews on the ground could aim at them
otherwise it would have been the double tap method which slows you down deliberately, to aim and thus kill what you aim at
He did not say a word but just looked Thomas straight in the eyes and raised his weapon and took aim at his head
He was running as fast as his legs would carry him, his style mimicking a modern-day track sprinter, unaware that a gunman inside the house was carefully taking aim at his back
generally speaking, taking careful aim at his head with the little revolver was enough to put him back on track
It is undeniable that scientific advances of recent years and future discoveries will allow elucidating many of the mysteries that the Bible still keeps for us, although we should not forget that the real breakthrough we should aim at is always going to be spiritual
e- Shoot and aim at his center
Several blisters are struck and the rest aim at the rocks
You need not aim at these — you will witness
In exploring alternative locations, they first considered New Orleans (home to Avondale shipyard), then they realized that the claim at Avondale would end in one year, and they would have to pay my relocation expenses to another Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion & Repair, USN (hereinafter “SupShip”) office (they did not for the first move from CA to MS!)
As leader you may want to set time constraints on such issues as sales or production targets as a way of motivating those in your team, but there should always be something greater to aim at than the day to day grind
took aim at the truck
Are social media initiatives aligned with other initiatives and tactic that aim at a common strategic purpose?
“Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed
Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well
aim at those with Annah
aim at the higher; but they aim at an intensified individuality which in the
I looked back briefly and saw that he was trying to take aim at me, while Hannah clung to his arm
I aim at his head, but he just puts a step aside, through which it lands on his shoulder
I unlock the pistol and aim at the door handle
I aim at his balls
took aim at the retreating white man and loosed his arrow
backtrack the main accusation, and in this case aim at your own bottom
“This motion is the upper-block, used to stop any attack coming from above and aim at your head
Having decided upon a specific goal, the aim at Step 4 is to
The lazhinian stood up and took aim at the captain
Tomz approached from around the corner and took aim at the officers and fired, hitting a largaph fighting Yeltsa in the back with a single round from his Malcer
Nesten ran into the hall and instantly took aim at Yeltsa
Lezura took aim at the assault mech that had fired the missiles and release a spray of bullets that ripped off the mech’s torso
The next chapter challenges you to take aim at the right targets and mobilize this missions force strategically
The Sekku had propped up a molded shield she used to ward off bullets aim at her, while the small S’us at her side provided counter fire
Nancy then joined the firefight, taking calm, slow aim at a 144
It did not contain such claim at all
where simply just assumed the claim at face value in total
Suleiman would always ask why no bullet hole and roar with laughter to the set-piece answer, “because I only aim at the claws
Before the fat man could re-aim at her, she had twisted the gun out of his hand and was pointing it back at him
his rifle and cocked it then took aim at the mineshaft entrance less than
With the enemy tank immobile fifty meters away while it turned its turret to aim at another M20, Angie was able to aim her weapon with care before pressing the trigger
Ingrid understood quickly why: the gun elevation of the tanks was insufficient for them to be able to aim at nearby hilltops
Ingalls, near panic, raised his revolver to aim at her head
Set the dial to power level one, and aim at the photo cell on the door
They were thus unable to fire their heat-seeking FIRESTREAK missiles, never having a chance to aim at its tail to let the seeker heads acquire it
In the next instant, he was up and facing us with his rifle taking aim at the lead rider
There are lots of spiritual paths which aim at the cessation of thoughts and desires
One took aim at Garcia, while another shot Ilona directly in the gut
Aim at the target with great care and then, like the arrow becomes one with the target, you will become one with Brahman
specifically aim at the targeted areas in order to stimulate the skin to
kicked in the moment she had taken aim at his troll-partner with her bow
After all, one must be a moron to aim at making the world a dar- ul-Islam, which Omar and Saladin, not to speak of Muhammad, failed to do so!
The other is a necessary part for the wisest of mankind to aim at and achieve
Forcible intervention with the movements of breath is not our goal, we aim at
Vahya- Abhyantara, vritti, have same connotation and aim at the same goal
'Aim at the furthest butt
'Aim at the nearest butt
Jack then ran after the man in black, with desert eagle in hand, took aim at the man and shot him in both legs
Jack took aim at the man with the shotgun and shot him in the leg and quickly hid behind the table
Cassandra came out of the room quietly, armed with her revolver she took aim at the man’s head and pulled the trigger and in an instant he was gone
can see, aim at it through the lenses and shoot it
The young man could not force himself to step out onto the log to take aim at the target
Well, what is one to do? Never be soft? Never be sad? Or sorry? Or repentant? Always stay up at the level of Milton's _Time_ poem, or of his _At a Solemn Musick_, strung high up to an unchanging pitch of frigid splendour and nobleness? It is what I try to aim at
I make her go for ten-mile walks, and aim at doing them in two hours, thus hoping to bring out her love-sickness in the form of healthy perspiration, but it's no good
They got into their cottage about tea time; and the first thing Priscilla did was to exclaim at the pleasant sight of the wood fire and sit down in the easy-chair to warm herself
They would all aim at Tom’s back and shoot him off the horse
He had a chance to shoot them all down before they could even aim at him
As he saw him once again begin to raise his revolver towards Zygmunt and Olin he took careful aim at the man's head
back over his shoulder and saw a kneeling Nemoidian taking aim at the
On the 11th May 1943 the Americans began their campaign to reclaim Attu, from the airbase on Adak Island
We shouldn't forget that, when firing, a shooter can confidently aim at a target 1500 ft
Now I'm looking at the herd, not sideways on, but at a slant from behind; Randy is cursing, there's no clear target, nothing to aim at, and the cow is constantly hiding him
Tend: To be directed to any end or purpose; to aim at; to have or give a leaning to; to apply oneself to the care of something
And then I stare into the inky blackness, trying to see what he wil aim at
Can that be the coyote? I aim at it, with the ful choke on my Benel i… Cenni makes an approving noise…
I aim at the first one's head and pull the trigger
He took aim at Fritz and started testing
Melchizedek will proclaim at the end of days
symbolism to cause the end of religion, the designers of these symbols have taken aim at money and
The sound of bolt action recievers on rifles being engaged caused us to both glance over at the row of men bringing rifles up to aim at us
Eleanor lifted up abruptly away from the marketplace, even as Talaric swung the rail gun to directly take aim at a large troop helicopter that was in the midst of several others
It is not advisable to aim at representing the true tone values
And, considering how largely this idea is held, one need not be surprised that some painters use the camera; indeed, the wonder is that they do not use it more, as it gives in some perfection the mechanical accuracy which is all they seem to aim at in their work
our time came the belief that vows aim at the development of the will
The hearers to collection; they aim at it,
"Thou dost reckon me thy friend, and thou wouldst rob me of honour, a thing wholly inconsistent with friendship; and not only dost thou aim at this, but thou wouldst have me rob thee of it also
In that case actors would take care to send their plays to the capital, and could act them in safety, and those who write them would be more careful and take more pains with their work, standing in awe of having to submit it to the strict examination of one who understood the matter; and so good plays would be produced and the objects they aim at happily attained; as well the amusement of the people, as the credit of the wits of Spain, the interest and safety of the actors, and the saving of trouble in inflicting punishment on them
Aim at the highest, and never mind the money
They then began to eat with very great relish and very leisurely, making the most of each morsel--very small ones of everything--they took up on the point of the knife; and then all at the same moment raised their arms and botas aloft, the mouths placed in their mouths, and all eyes fixed on heaven just as if they were taking aim at it; and in this attitude they remained ever so long, wagging their heads from side to side as if in acknowledgment of the pleasure they were enjoying while they decanted the bowels of the bottles into their own stomachs
In the acquisition of riches, too, he will aim at order and harmony; he will not desire to heap up wealth without measure, but he will fear that the increase of wealth will disturb the constitution of his own soul
First, we may observe that the relations of the sexes supposed by him are the reverse of licentious: he seems rather to aim at an impossible strictness
Adeimantus thought that he should aim at producing food only and not at producing everything
You have again forgotten, my friend, I said, the intention of the legislator, who did not aim at making any one class in the State happy above the rest; the happiness was to be in the whole State, and he held the citizens together by persuasion and necessity, making them benefactors of the State, and therefore benefactors of one another; to this end he created them, not to please themselves, but to be his instruments in binding up the State
permitted to aim at him, I begged of him with more submission than